Collaboration with Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Newspaper)


Multiple usage of editorial content

Die beiden Zeitungstitel ‚Stuttgarter Zeitung‘ und ‚Stuttgarter Nachrichten‘ verfügen über ein schwer imitierbares Reservoir an Kinofilm-Rezensionen sowie an Informationen über Kinos (POIs) und Vorführungspläne. Diese Inhalte werden bislang vornehmlich für die gedruckte Zeitung und das Online-Angebot genutzt. Im Projekt sollen zusätzliche digitale Verwertungsmöglichkeiten entwickelt, überprüft und hinsichtlich der Umsetzbarkeit konzipiert werden.

The newspaper “Stuttgarter Zeitung” has created a unique collection of movie critics and reviews and also gathered information about movie theaters and schedules. This content was used in the printed issue and their website. This project was about development additional digital utilization possibilities as well as their evaluation.


  • Analysis of the intrinsic value of the editorial content regarding the target group
  • Development of a digital crossover strategy for editorial content
  • Analysis of the internal workflow
  • Development of a Marketing – and Monetarization concept
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Proof of concept
  • Development of a prototype


  • Competitor Analysis
  • developed and executed an online-survey
  • evaluated online survey  and developed a mock up
  • developed and executed a focus group to validate the mock up
  • finalized the mock up on the basis of the results of the focus group
  • developed and implemented a web prototype (view here)